Monday, February 27, 2012

Where Can You Grab Cash ASAP??

If you are anything like me, and have had a few times or maybe more, in your life, when everything seems to all go downhill, then you probably have had to try and find money to help, quickly! When one thing goes wrong, it all seems to follow, and then everything wants to break, fall apart, and explode! I have had this happen, numerous times, and it drives me crazy! I sit up all night trying to figure this and that out, how to do this and how we will get through. Especially after my surgery that failed and led to my current condition, RSD. I have a wonderful husband who works like crazy, (we have our own tractor trailer business), but with that, also comes a LOT of bills, taxes, fees, repairs, fuel, tolls, payments, and more. I also have worked like a nut, ever since I turned 14 and could legally get my working papers;p But since this surgery and RSD, I am really only able to work pt, and even that sometimes is to much. So, when we have those times when we get hit with late notices, have surprise bills, medical bills, school bills, etc, and the prior month had wiped out all of our savings, again, where do normal people turn? Luckily, this hasn't happened in a while. Although, we get very close, and I do accept it as a part of our lives, and we are in the process of paying down debt as fast as possible! The new budget we are on has been working out well, and there is more room to mess with. But in the past, and possibly in the future, when I receive a shut off notice for the electric bill, with a $50 fee to get this turned back on, and the cell phone late fees, and the mortgage late fees, and the tractor trailer needs a $1000 repair IMMEDIATELY, or there will be no way for my husband to go to work, and the pick up needs some minor repairs, inspection, and oil change, and on and on and on and on, I have to add all of the fees, income missed, and realize it is definitely going to hurt us long term if we do not find a way out. If I borrow the money, this will also hurt, but the question I have asked myself is, Will it be worth the headaches and stress disappearing?? If the amount of fees and interest, are going to cost less, a lot less, then the fees I will end up paying for all of the bills and repairs and late fees, then it may be worth my while to take advantage of some immediate, but not typically recommended payday loan services. This type of loan, can be very expensive, costly, and you have got to be very careful, as to not get into a habit, or stuck where you have to reborrow continuously. But if what you need is a quick fix, this could be a Godsend. I would always make sure to read the fine print, and ALWAYS make sure this is something that will cost less, and will be able to be paid back asap. If you have depleted your savings, and are not in a position to wait for a bank to approve a small loan, then I would say it is maybe in your best interest to go ahead with a payday loan. Please leave comments on any experience you have had with these payday loan services!! ** Please read our disclosure statement here!!** Please also check out the earn tab and read my posts about sites that will pay you to do surveys, complete tasks, etc! This could at least help with groceries, and smaller bills, and the quicker you sign up and start, the faster you can earn!! These are legitimate sites that I personally use!!

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