Monday, March 5, 2012

A New and Fun Way to Save LOTS of Time!

What do you do when you see all the Legos that your son just has to have, and you finally have a chance to research this toy catastrophe, since his birthday is coming. Do you memorize them all, cut out all the pictures, write them down, or forget most of the actual sets and numbers and kinds that he needs, and end up buying a gift card?

I would always have to ask, and ask again, but I am super happy because I believe I have found the answer to all of my crazy, all over the place, websites to remember, toys on my kid's lists, recipes, practically everything I do online.



This is such a cool site and I love having clipboards, they even have Synchboards where you can clip with your friends and family! The Multiboards are extremely helpful, especially for organizing clipboards into categories, for instance, I can make 4 clipboards, 1 for each kid, and put them all in one place and have that Multiboard be for "Gifts and Toys for the Kids"

I am always looking for ways to become better organized, and this has so far, been so much fun and at the same time, helped with blogging tips and tricks, I can better locate recipes I see online, I don't have to go crazy, trying to find where the chocolate chip cheesecake recipe was, or the homemade pizza rolls recipe,I can find it all on my clipboards!! They are all nicely organized, and it is so easy to clip!

All you have to do is sign up clipix

You can log in with Twitter or Facebook,

Drag the "Clip" button to your bookmarks bar, and start clipping!!

Anywhere you are online, you can click, "Clip" and a box will pop up and ask if you would like to create a new clipboard or add to one you already have, it is very quick and painless, and then you're done!

You can make your clipboards private, for friends only, or share them with everybody, and you can share them on Facebook or Twitter too!

It is definitely worth your while to start an account, and start clipping! I promise you will be clipping everything you see, and you will immediately se why I am seriously addicted lol!

Please leave me comments and let me know any ideas you have for clipboards! I love new ideas, especially any tips that will end up making my life easier, or making more time!!

Here is Aaron's Lego Need List so far!!

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1 comment:

  1. I've heard about this, and it sounds like a great way to organize things online.
