Thursday, January 12, 2012

Credit Sesame Free Credit Score..Always Free!

This is a totally free service, and you can manage your credit score, (Not your credit report!!), and you can manage your debt, credit cards, mortgage, loans, all right here under your free account!
What you will be receiving from Credit Sesame, is emails, alerting you to loan offers, refinance, credit offers, all tailored to your credit score class.
There is never a fee, and you can check your score each month, and see what is happening with your finances.
Your credit report will be checked if you do decide to apply for one of the pre qualified loans they may send you information about. This could lead to a lower score, depending on your credit history, and score.
If you use this site just as a tool, to keep track of your credit score, I recommend this site! I personally choose to NOT sign up for any pre qualified loans or credit, especially since we have been trying to get rid of debt here at my house. If you use this wisely, this site is an excellent tool for you!
Click here to sign up and get started on learning all about your credit score, and finances!

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